CK-A 系列单向离合器
特性及应用 :
CK-A 系列为无轴承支撑的楔块式单向离合器。径向尺寸与标准轴承尺寸相同,使用时
标准安装方式为 CK-A 型号与轴承同轴并排,相同的公差要求。内外环用键连接在轴和毂上。
Characteristics and application:
CK - A series of no wedge type one-way clutch
bearings.Radial size and standard bearing the same size, when using, need to cooperate with
the bearing installation, to withstand the axial load and radial load, factory has been
filling lubricating oil.Standard installation for CK - A model with bearing coaxial side
by side, the same tolerance requirement.Inner and outer ring with key connection on the
shaft and hub.This series of often used to improve machine, conveyor, as well as packaging
and printing, food, chemical, medical, textile and other mechanical equipment