


MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统 MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统





MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统简介

MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统

MGA II modules

DA12: Digital indicator with 4 1/2 digit LED display complete with differential input. Designed as a digital voltmeter for displaying output voltage, switchable over 12 channels, with controllable decimal point and overflow LED.

ME10, DC: DC voltage amplifier for high frequency measurement processes, for connection to strain gauge transducers. With a maximum measurement frequency of 10kHz and a very short settling time, the ME10 is particularly suitable for dynamic measurement processes, such as in the case of rapid variations in forces during punching or press-fit tasks.

ME30, 600 Hz TF: An amplifier for use with strain gauge transducers during low-frequency measurement processes. Its good zero-point stability enables it to be used in static and quasistatic measurement processes such as e. g. weighing and dosimetry, or the measurement of forces and pressures in industrial test rigs.

ME50, 4.8 kHz TF: An amplifier for transducers with inductive half bridges, such as the HBM range of displacement transducers. The ME50 can be used for static and dynamic measurement processes, such as long-duration monitoring in construction measurement technology.

ME50S6, 4.8 kHz TF: Amplifier for strain gauge transducers. Like the ME50 (for inductive half bridges), the ME50S6 is suitable for such applications as force vs. displacement measurements.

EM001: This optional, connection-board mounted final stage module is switchable between a current output of ± 20mA or +4 to +20mA, and a voltage output of ± 10V (R > 500Ohm).

EM002: Output stage module for Euro cards (± 20mA, 4...20mA)

AP01: Standard connection board for transducer connection using Sub-D connectors.

AP03: Connection board for transducer connection using 7-pin MS connectors.

AP11: Connection board for transducer connections using Lemo sockets.

Housing: Depending on the application, there is a choice between desktop housings for 6 channels and a rack frame with capacity for 12 channels.

MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统

In addition to the industrial amplifiers HBM provides the appropriate ePLAN macros. They allow easy and error-free integration of the instruments in the project planning of the automation environment.

ePLAN Electric P8 is an engineering tool for modern CAE software supported by a database and facilitates consistent project planning, documentation and administration of automation systems. ePLAN macros enable users to easily integrate the process controllers in their project planning. Parts data, drawings and pin assignments are available in ePLAN Electric P8 immediately after import of the macros.

The free macros are available on the documentation CD included in the process controllers' scope of supply and can also be downloaded here.

MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统

深圳市世泰瑞尔工业仪器仪表有限公司,现货发售德国HBM传感器:Z6FC3/50KG现货发售,PW10AC3/150KG现货发售,PW10AC3/50KG现货发送,Z6FD1/100KG,Z6FD1/200KG 全量程系列现货发售。WE2110仪表现货发售,WE2107显示仪表现货发售,WE2107M显示仪表现货发售。C16IC3/30T称重传感器现货发售,C16IC3/40T称重传感器现货发售。现货发售日本YAMATO传感器:UB1,UB2,UB2S,UB25系列传感器,CFC-201称重控制器,CFC-101控制器。德国ETH扭矩传感器,日本昭和SHOWA传感器,美国传力TRANSCELL称重传感器,美国ZEMIC传感器,上海耀华仪表,价格好,原厂货源。欢迎有需要的客户,选购。MGA II - 带有 Eurocard 模块的放大器系统