
南通天龙润滑设备有限公司 免费

简介: 南通天龙润滑设备有限公司,是设计、制造、销售一体化的专业单位。地处长江三角洲,与国际大都市上海一衣带水,隔江相望。  南通天龙润滑设备有限公司系机械部、冶金部配套生产液压润滑件的主要专业厂家。先后引进和转化了日本、德国、意大利等国家的干、稀油润滑系统和元器件,各种压力的干油集中润滑装置及润滑元件,同时引进转化的液压润滑管路附件、塑料管夹、铝合金管夹、快速接头等,并成功应用到国内冶金、电力、矿山、建筑、船舶等领域。  本公司技术力量雄厚,新产品开发能力强,检测设备齐全,工艺装备。  本公司全体职工热忱欢迎广大新老朋友光临指导,洽谈业务。  Nantong Tianlong Lubricating Equipment Co.,Ltd. is the professional units for design, manufacture and marketing. It's located in the Yangtze River Delta, across the River to the international metropolis of Shanghai.  Nantong Tianlong Lubricating Equipment Co.,Ltd.is the major professional manufacturers of the Department of Mechanical Department and Ministry of Metallurgy Production of hydraulic lubrication. Introduced and transformed the Japan, Germany, Italy and other countries dry, thin oil lubrication systems and components, all kinds of pressure dry centralized lubrication oil installations and lubrication components, introduced and transformed hydraulic lubrication piping attachment, plastic tube folders, folder of aluminum alloy tube, fast connections and so on, and successfully applied to the domestic metallurgical, power, mining, construction, shipbuilding and other fields.  The company has strong technical strength, new product development ability, and testing equipment, advanced technique and equipment. We have first-class professional and technical, reliable product quality, honest service attitude and scientific modern management to govern in the factory.  All employees of the company warmly welcomes the broad masses of old and new friends to guide, business negotiations. 查看详细


1徐海 100% 2100万元 2035-04-02
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