TD-17R 软木橡胶板由由精选的上等软木颗粒配以各种合成橡胶及其它辅助材料。软木橡胶具有比一般的软木更高的压缩及回弹性,是优秀的密封材料。可切割成各种不同形状的密封垫片,广泛应用于汽车、摩托车、拖拉机、飞机、轮船,以及石油管道、变压器、电器设备及装置。它是在低、中压要求下的一种新型的高等级静密封材料。且与一般的密封板材不同,它更易于切割,不损失模具,大批量产品可直接模压而成。一般选用橡胶:丁腈胶NBR,其它橡胶可要求
TD-17R Rubber Cork Sheet is a compound of cork and rubber made by using granulated cork and synthetic rubber polymer and their assistants. The product has properties of high resilience of rubber and compressibility of cork, so its performance is excellent. It can be used as gaskets of various engines of autos, tractors、plans、ships、and pipes petroleum, transformers、electric equipment and apparatuses. It is a kind of new type high-grade static sealing materials used to seal low and medium pressure. Rubber Cork : Rubber type NBR
950×640mm×0.8~100 mm
915×610mm×0.8~100 mm
1000*1400×0.8~100 mm