MGR-SCR □□ LA-H 三相电力调整器

MGR-SCR □□ LA-H 三相电力调整器

参考价: 面议

2023-04-15 09:19:12







◎ 产品特点 Product Features

◆ 多功能 LED 指示工作状态。

◆ 自带保护功能,内置快速熔断器。

◆ 输出量、最小输出量可调。

◆ 线性移相控制电路,稳定性好,精度高。

◆ 模块化,耐高压,更安全可靠。

◆ Multi-function LED status

◆ Built-in fast fuse protection function

◆ Adjustable maximum output and minimum output

◆ Linear phase-shift control circuit with good stability and high precision

◆ Modularization with high pressure resistant, safer and more reliable

◎ 产品参数 Product Parameters

◆ 额定电压 : 三相 380VAC( 三相三线 )

◆ 额定电流:40A,65A,75A,90A,100A,120A, 150A

◆ 操作频率:50Hz/60Hz

◆ 输出方式:相位输出

◆ 控制信号:4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC

◆ 保护功能:快速熔断器

◆ 使用环境:温度 45℃以下,湿度 90%RH 以下

◆ Rated Voltage: Three phase 380VAC (three-phase three-wire)

◆ Rated Current: 40A,65A,75A,90A,100A,120A, 150A

◆ Operation Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz

◆ Output mode: phase output

◆ Control signal: 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC

◆ Protection function: Fast fuse

◆ Operating environment: Ambient temperature below 45 ℃ , ambient humidity below 90% RH

◎ 注意事项 Notice

1. 主电路中采用三相三线输入,无相序要求。

2.SCR为大电流产品,请务必锁紧(R.S.T)及(U.V.W)端子,否则会造成端子发热而导致 SCR 烧坏。

3.SCR 内置快速熔断器 , 作为过电流及短路保护 . 如果熔断器因过流而熔断时 , 请务必使用相同规格的熔断器予以更换, 注意千万不可任意加大熔断器的安倍数。

4. 负载 Y 型接法时中性点不能接零线 , 否则会造成SCR 失去控制 .

5. 模块在使用时,如果负载功率大或散热条件不好,请考虑风冷。

1. The input circuit of the main circuit adopts three-phase three-wire connection, no phase sequence requirement.

2.SCR is a high current component, so please be sure to tighten the (R, S, T) and (U, V, W) erminals, otherwise it will heat up the terminals and then burn out the SCR.

3.SCR has a built-in fast fuse for overcurrent and short-circuit protection. If the fuse is blown due to overcurrent, be sure to replace it with a fuse of the same specification. Please do not increase

Amps of the fuse arbitrarily!

4.If the load adopts Y-connection, the neutral point cannot be connected to the neutral line, otherwise the SCR will lose control.

5. If the load power is too high or the heat dissipation is not good, consider air cooling device to cool down the module.

◎ 产品规格 Product Specifications


◎ 安装尺寸及接线图 Installation dimensions and wiring diagram


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