

参考价: 面议

2023-04-15 10:44:20







◎ 产品特征 Product features

◆ 固态继电器或模块要配什么型号的散热器呢?其实两者之间并没有一个一致的对应关系,因为固态继电器或模块的发热量主要跟所驱动的负载的实际电流有关,而与本身的电流等级大小关系不大。

◆ 发热量的计算公式:

1. 发热量 = 实际负载电流 ( 安倍 ) * 1.5 瓦 / 安倍以上公式适合于单相固态继电器 , 单相交流调压模块 , R系列固态调压器 . 而对于三相固态继电器 , 三相交流调压模块 , 其实际负载电流应为实际负载电流之和。

2. 发热量 = 实际负载电流 ( 安倍 )*3.0 瓦 / 安培以上公式适合于单相全控整流模块

◆ 散热器的作用就是把固态继电器或模块产生的热量散发出来 , 但实际上 ( 考虑到价格因素时 ) 选择散热器的大小很难用一句话就能确定 , 因为散热器效果不但跟散热器的大小有关 , 还跟环境温度 ( 季节 ), 通风条件 ( 自然冷却或强制冷却及风量大小 ), 以及安装密度等因素均有关 . 散热效果的参考标准 : 使固态继电器或模块的底板 ( 与散热器接触面 ) 温度不超过 80℃ . 因此实际应用中可在散热器安装面靠近固态继电器或模块的边缘块(20mm 以内 ) 安装一只 75℃的温度开关 ( 带一对常闭触点 ), 把固态继电器或模块的控制信号串入这对常闭触点 , 这样当检测点温度超过 75℃时 , 常闭触点跳开 , 切断控制信号 , 强迫关闭固态继电器或模块的输出 , 使其得到保护 . 一般在每相实际电流超过 50A, 安装密度大 ,环境温度高的地方 , 采用温度开关保护。

◆ 选用散热器除考虑上述因素外 , 还要考虑固态继电器或模块本身体积与散热器能否相配 , 以及散热器在机构中的安装空间 . 但最终要保证在恶劣情况下 , 固态继电器或模块的底板温度不超过 80℃。

◆本厂生产的散热器产品主要有以下规格 :

MG-I, MG-W, MG-T, MG-L, MG-H, MG-F,MG-Y 七大系列 , 适合于各种单相固态继电器 , 单相交流调压模块 , R 系列固态调压器 , 工业级固态继电器及各种三相交流固态继电器。

◆ How to choose the right heat sink for solid state relays or modules?In fact, the model of the heat sink does not one-one correspond to the model of the solid state relay or module. The heat generated by the solid state relay or module is mainly related to the actual current of the load, instead of its own rated current specification.

◆ Heat calculation formula:

1. Heat = Actual load current (Amps) * 1.5 W/Amps The above formula is suitable for single phase solid state relays, single phase AC voltage regulator modules, and R series solid state voltage regulators. For three phase solid state relays and three phase AC voltage regulator modules, the actual load current should be the sum of the actual load currents.2. Heat = actual load current (Abe) * 3.0 watts/Abe formula is suitable for single-phase full control rectifiermodule.

2. Heat = Actual load current (Amps) * 3.0 W/Amps The above formula is suitable for single phase fully-controlled bridge rectifier module.

◆ The role of the heat sink is to dissipate the heat generated by the solid state relay or module, but in reality (considering cost factors), the choice of heat sink size is difficult to determine simply.

Because the effect of the radiator is not only related to the size of the radiator, but also to the ambient temperature (season), ventilation conditions (natural / forced cooling, and ventilation volume), and installation density. Heat dissipation reference standard: The temperature of the bottom plate (the side in contact with the heat sink) of the solid state relay or module does not exceed 80 ° C. In practical applications, we recommend installing a 75 ° C temperature switch (with a pair of normally closed contacts) on the heatsink mounting surface near the edge of the solid state relay or module (within 20mm), and connecting the control signals of the solid state relay or module in series with the normally closed contacts. Thus, when the temperature of the detection point exceeds 75 ° C, the normally closed contact trips and cuts off the control signal, and the output of the solid state relay or module is forcibly turned off to be protected.

Generally, if the solid state relay or module is installed to the place with each phase of the actual current exceeding 50A, high installation density, and high ambient temperature, it is better to apply a temperature switch protection.

◆ In addition to considering the above factors, it is also necessary to consider whether the volume of the solid state relay or the module itself and the installation space of the heat sink in the equipment matches the parameters of the heat sink.

◆ The following is the series of the heat sink mainly produced by our company:

MG-I, MG-W, MG-T, MG-L, MG-H, MG-F, MG-Y. These seven series are suitable for a variety of single phase solid state relays, single phase AC voltage regulator modules, R series solid state voltage regulators, industrial solid state relays and various three phase AC solid state relays.

◎ MG- Ⅰ型散热器系列

MG- Ⅰ Series heat sink





◎ MG-L 型散热器系列

MG-L Series heat sink



◎ MG-H 型散热器系列

MG-H Series heat sink



◎ MG-F 型散热器系列

MG-F Series heat sink



◎ MG-Y 型散热器系列

MG-Y Series heat sink


