美国RETZ 品牌
品牌:RETZ/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口空气室式脉冲阻尼器能够平滑由计量泵、隔膜泵等容积型泵引起的管路脉动和系统的水锤现象。它由耐腐蚀的隔膜将气体与管路中的液体隔离,通过气室容积的变化平滑管路脉动 retz The imported air chamber pulse damper can smooth the pipeline pulsation and system water hammer caused by volumetric pumps such as metering pumps and diaphragm pumps. It is separated from the liquid in the pipeline by a corrosion-resistant diaphragm, and the pulsation of the pipeline is smoothed by changes in the volume of the gas chamber
空气式阻尼器的容积选型 Volume selection of air dampers
用计量泵(或隔膜泵)每一次冲程的计量能力(m)乘以26就可以得出所需要的脉冲阻尼器最小容积 The minimum required volume of the pulse damper can be obtained by multiplying the metering capacity (m) of each stroke of the metering pump (or diaphragm pump) by 26
压力范围Pressure Range:1.0MPa
连接方式Connection method:由令承插、丝扣 By connecting sockets, threads
隔膜材质Diaphragm material:PTFE复合、FPM(氟橡胶)、EPDM(三元乙丙)、NBR(丁腈)
进口空气室式脉冲阻尼器工作原理operational principle
According to Boyle's law P:V=P.V, the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas, and the pipe pulse is smoothed by changing the volume of the gas. For the system with sinusoidal curve, at the peak, the chamber volume becomes smaller, the pulse damper absorbs the excess flow fluid; at the trough, the volume of the chamber becomes larger, so as to achieve the effect of smooth pulsation.
进口空气室式脉冲阻尼器功能特点 Functional characteristics
减小水锤对系统的危害。减小流速波动的峰值。保护管路、阀门、接头不受压力波动的冲击。为计量泵创造良好的工作环境并改善泵的工作性能。允许系统使用更小的管径,降低成本。 和背压阀等配合使用可以使管路的压力波动接近为零。降低系统的能耗。
Reduce the harm of water hammer to the system. Reduce the peak value of flow rate fluctuations. Protect pipelines, valves, and joints from pressure fluctuations. Create a good working environment for metering pumps and improve their performance. Allow the system to use smaller pipe diameters to reduce costs. When used in conjunction with backpressure valves, the pressure fluctuation in the pipeline can be close to zero. Reduce the energy consumption of the system