粉尘蝶阀dust butterfly valve 该阀门适用于化工,石油,机械等行业。 The valve is suitable for chemical, petroleum, machinery and other industries. 特点(characteristic): 结构简单,维修方便,阻力小,操作简单,耐磨损,耐腐蚀,耐高温,使用寿命长,易安装,适用的介质有液体,粉体。 Simple structure, convenient maintenance, small resistance, simple operation, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistant, long service life, easy installation, applicable medium is liquid, powder. 工作原理和结构说明(the working principle and structure): 1. 本阀门主要由阀体,阀板,支架,阀杆等零件组成。 This valve is mainly composed of body, Valve plate, stent, Valve stem and other parts. 2. 本阀门依靠气动执行器,转动阀杆,使阀杆带动阀板在介质里作旋转动作,达到调节流速的目的。 This depend on the pneumatic valve actuator, turn the valve stem, the stem driving the Valve plate spins in the medium for its rotary movement, its reach the purpose of regulating velocity.