| | 气动调流蝶阀pneumatic basins butterfly valve 该阀门的阀板与阀座具有的结构设计,因此具有耐久的性能,是一种用途广泛的调节阀。 The valve plate and valve seat has a unique structure design, so it is durable, the performance of regulating valve is a kind of widely used. 规格(Specification): 本体形式body type | 不锈钢硬密封蝶阀 stainless steel hard seal butterfly valve | 公称通径body size | DN50-250 | 公称压力body rating | 6-25Bar | 流体温度fluid temperature | -29~+120℃ | 连接方式connections | 对夹连接connected to the clamp | 阀体材质body materials | 304 316 | 阀内件材质trim materials | 304 45# | 流量特性flow characteristics | 调流basins | 阀座泄漏量the seat leakage | 硬密封(hard seal)Metal seat, 额定(rated)Cv X 0.01% | 执行机构actuator combination | 气动执行机构pneumatic actuator | | | |