时间:2008-05-24 阅读:301
JB/T复审 气动阀用橡胶密封圈 沟槽尺寸和公差
JB/T复审 气动阀用橡胶密封圈 尺寸系列和公差
ANSI/NFPA T 3.21.4 R2-2000 气动阀.NFPA/T 2.6.1 R2-2000补充件:液动元件压力额定值.检验疲劳和确定含金属外壳的液动气动阀的压力的碎 Pneumatic valve - Pressure rating supplement to NFPA/T2.6.1 R2-2000, Fluid power components - Method for verifying the fatigueestablishing the burst pressure ratings of the pressure containing envelope of a metal fluid power pneumatic valve
BS 4151-1967 输入信号为 3至151b/in压力计的气动阀定位器的评定方法 Method of evaluating pneumatic valve positioners with input signal of 3 to 15 lbf/in