“NB”系列逆变器 特性: ◆ 纯正弦波输出,适用于电视机、电冰箱、电磁炉、电风扇、 ◆ 微波炉、空调等家用设备使用 ◆ 微电脑(CPU)控制技术,性能 ◆ 超宽输入电压范围、高精度输出、全自动稳压 ◆ 内置过载、短路、过压、欠压、过温等保护功能,可靠性高 ◆ 简洁明了的 LED显示,可升级到全面的数字化 LCD 显示,方便观察机器状态 ◆ 供电时间可根据不同要求任意配置 ◆ 采用阀控式免维护铅酸电池,智能型电池管理,过充,过放电保护,延长电池使用寿命 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 市电电压范围 Commercial Power range(VAC) | 100/110/120/127/220/230(+25%,-35%) | | 自动电压调节AVR voltage range(VAC) | 100/110/120/127/220/230±10%(自动调节Auto-sensing) | | 典型:5ms(包含侦测时间)Typical:5ms(Including detecdion time) | | | | | | | 机身尺寸 External Size(mm) D×W×H | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 市电电压范围 CommercialPower range(VAC) | 100/110/120/127/220/230(+25%,-35%) | 100/110/120/127/220/230(±20%) | | 自动电压调节AVR voltage range(VAC) | 100/110/120/127/220/230±10%(自动调节Auto-sensing) | | | 典型Typical:5ms(自动调节Including detecdion time) | | | | | | | | | | 机身尺寸 External Size(mm) D×W×H | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 市电:与市电同频 逆变:60/50±0.5 Commercial power supply: shared frequency with the commercial inversion state:60/50±0.5 | | | 当负载超过120%时,10秒后,IPS自动关闭输出;当负载恢复到额定负载后,IPS自动恢复正常工作. IPS automatically shutdown if overload exceeds 120% of normal value for 10 seconds, IPS automatically resume work if overload comes to rated load. | | | 密封式免维护铅酸蓄电池Sealed, maintenance-free lead acid | | | | 自动检验及放电保护,过充保护,智能管理 Automatic self-test, discharge protection, over-chargeing protected, smart management system. | |